The Purim Service and Schpiel Premiere will be available via YouTube Live at this link (, starting at 7 pm on Thursday, February 25.  Use whatever device you normally use for YouTube to join us.  For any questions about how to access the stream, or issues that come up on the night of, contact UJC Mission Control in our UJC Schpiel Helpline group in Whatsapp here:

The Purim Schpiel we could not have last year is back to haunt us.  There is no escape from …..

Incredibly Awesome Megillah Reading & Purim Schpiel

The International Commission on Judaic Debates presents

The Great Latke Hamantaschen Debate

Prof. Kira Matus (Hamantaschen) v. Jonathan Isaacs, Esq. (Latke)
(The debate will be moderated by Josh Lavin and Rabbi Zamek on behalf of the ICJD)

Latke or hamantaschen – which is superior?

This great question will be settled at services on Friday night, 26th February at 7:00 PM (via Zoom).

Don’t miss your chance to witness Jewish history in the baking – or frying – as the case may be.

Zoom link will be provided.