And let them make Me a sanctuary that I may dwell among them. ~ Exodus 25:8

As vital as membership dues are for The UJC, they do not constitute the totality of the financial support needed for our congregation to flourish. For those who are able, we ask you to consider an additional donation to The UJC.

Here are some ways you can help assure the future of The UJC:

Become a Multi-Year Donor

A number of our members have committed to generous multi-year donations to the congregation in addition to their dues and Fair Share (see below).  We are immensely grateful to them.  We also believe that there are others who have the ability and willingness for this level of support. Please contact The UJC office to arrange a private meeting with members of our Fundraising Committee to discuss providing this level of support.

Become a Fair Share Donor

The idea behind this additional suggested donation is that if every member of The UJC family were to participate in the program, we would not need to hold fundraising events or solicit other donations, as we now must do. The Fair Share amount is currently HK $6500, over and above membership dues. Please contact The UJC office to become a Fair Share donor.

Put a Leaf on the Tree of Life

Commemorate a joyous event in the life of your family or honor a family member or friend by purchasing a leaf on the Tree of Life sculpture in The UJC Sanctuary. Each leaf is personalized with your brief message of thanks or congratulations. Click here to download the Tree of Life order form.  Please contact The UJC office for more information.

Other donations

Mark a holiday, celebrate a significant birthday, or share your gratitude. We are happy to accept donations of any amount at any time. The UJC can accept donations in both US and Hong Kong dollars.  If you wish to make a donation in US dollars, please contact The UJC office for assistance.

All donations to the UJC are publically acknowledged in the Shabbat Shalom newsletter unless the donor requests otherwise.

Thank you in advance for you support of the mission of The UJC. Together we will turn dollars and cents into the magic that is The UJC.

How to donate:

  • To make a donation in Hong Kong dollars, please click here
  • To make a US tax deductible donation, please click here.
  • For donations in larger than US$16,000, please contact The UJC office so that we can discuss the most advantageous way for you to make your donation.