“It is not your responsibility to finish the work of perfecting the world, but you are not free to desist from it either.” ~ Rabbi Tarfon, Pirke Avot 2:21

Tikkun Olam – repairing the world – is a key value of The UJC.  Whether Shorashim students collecting tzedakah,  teens taking part in UJC NETTs, or adults volunteering on a day off, UJC members of all ages are deeply involved in efforts to nurture healing, justice, and compassion.

Click below to learn about The UJC’s on-going Tikkun Olam programs and on-off volunteer opportunities.

Mitzvah Day

Every year on UJC Mitzvah Day, over 150 UJC members come together to create small miracles in Hong Kong by volunteering at a variety of worthwhile organizations and charities. On a Sunday in December, [...]


The UJC NETTs  (Native English Teen Tutors) program is for teens who have celebrated B’nai Mitzvah and want to engage in meaningful Tikkun Olam. Participants also get to enjoy Shabbat lunch, engage in Jewish [...]

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One-off Volunteer Opportunities

UJC volunteers are always happy to roll up their sleeves and help out when the opportunity arises.  Recently, several UJC volunteers took part in Habitat For Humanity’s Project Homeworks where they cleaned and painted [...]