A Time to Express our Gratitude

The Annual General Meeting of The United Jewish Congregation of Hong Kong
 Tuesday, 22nd June, 2021
at 7:00 PM
in The UJC Sanctuary

Let…all the skilled persons whom Adonai has endowed with skill and ability to perform expertly all the tasks connected with the service of the sanctuary carry out all that Adonai has commanded.  Exodus 36:1

The AGM of our congregation is much more than a business meeting.  It is a chance to celebrate what we have accomplished together.  This has been an extraordinarily rich and productive year, despite the difficult circumstances.  Many had a hand in our accomplishments and we are grateful to them all.  At this year’s AGM we will mark the particular contribution of three people whose service to the kahal exemplifies the best of The UJC.

Please join as we honor Jean Salata and Dr. Sarah Borwein for rendering invaluable service to The UJC in the past year, above and beyond their years of support for the mission of our kahal.  Join us too as we honor Andrew Gordon on the completion of thirteen years as the Treasurer of The UJC and for all he has done to ensure the future of our beloved congregation.

The Holy One has blessed these people with skill, ability, and wisdom.  We need to thank them for putting these gifts at our disposal.

In view of the ongoing social distancing measures, The UJC Annual General Meeting (AGM) will be conducted both in-person and online.  In-person seating is limited according to current regulations governing religious institutions.

Because we are making arrangements to ensure that all eligible UJC members can vote, either in-person or via Zoom, we are asking that members who wish to attend RSVP to ujc@ujc.org.hk by Monday, 21st June at noon.  Please specify whether you plan to attend in person or via Zoom.  RSVPs will enable us to ensure that we are able to accommodate everyone who wishes to attend in either format.  Seating in the Sanctuary will be made available on a first-reserved, first-served basis, with priority granted to voting members of The UJC.  Please do not come to the Sanctuary without registering in advance, as we may not be able to accommodate you.  Those aged 16 and over will need to show proof that you have received at least your first dose of vaccine.  Special arrangements are in place for those who cannot be vaccinated for medical reasons and for children under age 16.  Please contact The UJC office for details.  Health procedures in place previously (i.e. mask wearing, temperature taking, hand washing/sanitizing) will continue.  Click here for the complete list of procedures.  Please note that attendees who do not comply with the precautionary measures may be denied entry to the venue or be required to leave the venue.