The Story of the Jews Vol 2Join us for our community reading of the second volume of Simon Schama’s The Story of the Jews.  In this continuation of his Jewish history series, Schama will take us from 1492 to 1900 – from the aftermath of the expulsion of the Jews of Spain to the beginning of modernity.  Anyone who read the first volume of The Story of Jews with us two years ago can tell you that Schama has an extraordinary journey planned for us, one that will take us through Shavuot next year.
Keep reading over the summer.  Check-ins will resume in the fall.


Suggested Reading Schedule:

July/August/September 2018: Chapters 5–7
October 2018: Chapter 8
November 2018: Chapter 9
December 2018: Chapter 10
January 2019: Chapter 11
February 2019: Chapter 12
March 2019: Chapter 13
April 2019: Chapter 14
May 2019: Chapter 15
Order a copy of The Story of the Jews, Volume Two click here to order a print or e-book copy).