The Shorashim teachers, madrichim, Hazzan Ayal, and I are very much looking forward seeing everyone on Sunday! It will be great to see all our returning families and to welcome new families to Shorashim.

We will begin the Shorashim year this Sunday, 3rd September at 9:30 AM in the UJC Sanctuary.  (Entrance on Castle Steps.) We will welcome everyone at kinnus and then head off to class. The Shorashim day will end at 12:30 PM and dismissal/pick up will be at the Castle Steps.

Since Typhoon Saola may affect Hong Kong on Sunday, I want to remind everyone of the Shorashim Typhoon/Rainstorm Closure Policy:

Shorashim Typhoon/Rainstorm Closure Policy:

Typhoons — Based on the Hong Kong Education Bureau Policy and a concern for the safety of our students, madrichim, and teachers, Shorashim will NOT meet IF A TYPHOON SIGNAL #3 or higher is in effect.  As some of our teachers and students travel from a fair distance to The UJC, we will abide by the Typhoon Signal that is in effect at 8:00 AM at the Hong Kong Observatory website (

Rainstorms — Based on the Hong Kong Education Bureau Policy, Shorashim will NOT meet if a Red or Black rainstorm warning is in effect at 8:00 AM at the Hong Kong Observatory website (  (Shorashim will meet as usual if it is an Amber rain.)

Also, a reminder about Parking arrangements — The JCC car park is for JCC members only. The UJC has made special arrangements with the JCC for Shorashim families who are non-JCC members. Such families can use the car park (on Shorashim Sundays only) but they MUST register with The UJC office in advance. If you are not a JCC member and wish to use the car park, please let us have your name and car registration numbers NOW if you have not already done so.

Finally, I have sent an email to parents with full details and the Shorashim schedule. Please let me know as soon as possible if you did not receive the email or have any questions.

Looking forward to another great year at Shorashim!
Rabbi Martha