In this series we will take a deeper look at Biblical texts that are in front of our eyes all the time in synagogue life, but that we perhaps have not thought deeply about.  The course consists of two parts.  Part 1 will examine selections from the Psalms that we encounter in prayer and ritual.  Part 2 will focus on selected haftarot, the readings from the Prophets that are associated with particular Torah portions and festivals.  Our aim will be to go beyond passive familiarity with these texts so as to appreciate their deeper meaning.
Texts will be provided, but you may want to have a copy of The Jewish Study Bible (click here to purchase ) and Robert Alter’s translation of Psalms (click here to purchase).  These books will be useful in our class sessions and will be valuable additions to your Jewish library.
Watch Shabbat Shalom AND this spot for class schedules.  Order your books today.