Important Announcement

In-person Activities at The UJC

We are pleased to announce that we will soon resume some in-person activities at The UJC.  In-person services will begin with Shabbat/Shemini Atzeret services on Friday night, October 9 at 7:00pm.  Please refer to the schedule in this week’s issue of Shabbat Shalom for further information on services for the remainder of Shemini Atzeret and Simchat Torah.  It is a great blessing to be reopening in time for the conclusion of the Tishri holidays.  Shorashim will also meet in-person starting on October 11.  (Information on Shorashim procedures has been sent to parents by email.)

It will be wonderful to be back together.  We are, however, not back to normal.  Many precautions will need to be taken to enable us to meet safely and in compliance with public health regulations.  All the steps we take will be guided by our medical advisor, Dr. Sarah Borwein, and by the Jewish value of pikuach nefesh (the preservation of life and health).  We ask for your patience and cooperation in this new phase of our Covid-19 response.

We realize that even with the precautions we have put in place, some may not yet be comfortable gathering.  We will therefore broadcast our in-person services on Zoom.

Attending Festival and Shabbat Services

Here are the procedures for Festival and Shabbat services:

1. We are obligated by Hong Kong health regulations to operate at reduced capacity and to maintain social distance between individuals/family groups.  The maximum number of people permitted in the Sanctuary will be 60.

2. Members of the Ritual and Security Committees will show you where you may sit in the Sanctuary in order to maintain social distance.

3. Masks must be worn at all times by all participants.

4. On entry to the building, all participants must wash their hands or use hand sanitizer.

5. All participants will have their temperature checked before entering the building.

6. No food or drink will be served.

7. Attendance at services will be limited to members and prospective members.

8. You may not attend in-person events if you are feeling ill in any way, even if you do not have a fever.

Other Activities
UJC Shabbat dinners will not resume at this time.  We will consider restarting Shabbat dinners as social distancing requirements ease.

Small group activities such as Torah study, OOMF, Introduction to Judaism, One Congregation/One Book and Bookhers will continue to be Zoom only events for the time being.

A Final Note
We wish we could simply throw the shul doors open.  For some time to come, the process of going to shul will not be easy or convenient as it was before Covid-19.  The UJC spirit, however, will be evident despite the masks, temperature taking and social distancing.  The warmth and depth of The UJC was undiminished by being limited to virtual gatherings, so these inconveniences can certainly be transcended as well.  However we meet, our kahal is strong.

We look forward to seeing you — really seeing you — soon.


UJC Re-Opening Working Group: Dr. Sarah Borwein, Rachel Fleishman, Alan Schiffman, Robin Roschke, Rabbi Stan Zamek, and Rabbi Martha Bergadine.