Congregational Rabbi Stanton Zamek

Schedule of Services

Led by
Rabbi Stanton Zamek
Hazzan Ayal Ben Or

Ayal Ben Or - Cantorial Soloist

Wednesday, 2nd October Rosh HaShanah Evening Service 7:00pm
Thursday, 3rd October Rosh HaShanah Day
Children’s Program 9:00am
Rosh HaShanah Morning Service 10:30am
  Rosh Hashanah Reception to follow at the JCC
Please RSVP to The UJC office by Monday, 11th September
Tashlich Service at Central Pier No. 9
Bus service provided.  Bus will leave JCC at 2:45pm
Friday, 4th October  2nd Day Rosh HaShanah Service 10:30am

Friday, 4th October Shabbat Shavuah 7:00pm

Friday, 11th October  Kol Nidre
Note: The fast for Yom Kippur begins at 5:43pm.
Saturday, 12th October Yom Kippur ..
.. Children’s Program 9:00am
.. Shacharit (Morning) Service 10:30am
.. Discussion with the Rabbi 2:45pm
.. Mincha (Afternoon) Service 3:45pm
  (Including Guest Speakers: “What The UJC Means To Me”)
.. Yizkor (Memorial) Service 5:00pm
.. Ne’ilah (Closing) Service 6:00pm
  Please join us for a community-wide break fast at the JCC.

High Holy Day services will also be available via Zoom Webinar.  Please register to receive links. 


A Note to Visitors and Non-Members

As in previous years, the UJC welcomes visitors to its High Holy Day Services.  At the same time, we ask for a contribution to help meet the many expenses involved.  The suggested donation is HK$2,000 per person to attend our services.  The best way to ensure the The UJC is able to serve you during High Holy Days and all year is to become a member.  Your donation will be credited to your dues should you decide to become a part of The UJC family.  High Holy Day electronic tickets may be obtained in advance by contacting the UJC office

If you have any financial constraints, please contact Rabbi Zamek at the UJC office.

UJC Rosh HaShanah Reception

Please join us following Rosh Hashanah Morning Services, Thursday, 3rd October at the JCC. We’ll welcome the New Year with good friends, apples and honey, and a nosh. RSVP to ujc@ujc.org.hk by Monday, 23rd September is ESSENTIAL so that we can plan accordingly. Shanah Tovah!