UJC Purim Schpiel Watch Party Pack

Even though this year’s Purim Schpiel will debut online, you can still have silly and delicious fun while you watch with the UJC Purim Schpiel Watch Party Pack.  We’ve got everything you need for a ridiculously good time – noisemakers, costume pieces, treats and a couple surprises – and best of all it’s FREE.

RSVP IS ESSENTIAL.  To reserve your Purim Watch Party Pack contact ujc@ujc.org.hk  NO LATER THAN TUESDAY, 16TH FEBRUARY.

Purim Watch Party Packs will be available for pick up at The UJC office on Tuesday, 23rd February and Wednesday, 24th February, from 3:00 PM – 6:00 PM.  Other times are available by prior arrangement.

Questions?  Contact Rabbi Martha (rabbimartha@ujc.org.hk )