Procedures For In-person Services
(As of Thursday, 15th July 2021)

We are pleased to be able to welcome you to in-person Shabbat services.  Services will also be broadcast via Zoom for those not comfortable attending in person.

It is wonderful to be back together.  We are, however, not back to normal.  Precautions are still needed to enable us to meet safely and in compliance with public health regulations.  All the steps we take will be guided by our medical advisor, Dr. Sarah Borwein, by the Jewish value of pikuach nefesh (the preservation of life and health), and by current public health regulations.  We ask for your patience and cooperation in this phase of our Covid-19 response.

Attending Shabbat Services

1. Hong Kong health regulations allow up to 100% capacity at religious gatherings as long as the ratio of participants is at minimum 2/3 vaccinated, 1/3 not vaccinated.  Beginning this Friday, 16th July, The UJC will welcome worshippers up to 100% capacity as long as the 2/3 vaccinated/1/3 not vaccinated ratio is maintained.  To ensure the proper ratio, members who wish to attend will be require to pre-register.

2. If you plan to attend services in-person, please email by 10:00 AM on Friday to let us know you will be coming, how many will be in your party and their vaccination status.  By having everyone pre-register and provide the necessary information, we hope to welcome everyone who wishes to attend in person while still abiding by the new regulations.

We are very hopeful that we will not have to turn anyone away and consider that scenario unlikely.  However, if we must limit attendance because the ratio of attendees does not meet government requirements, we reserve the right to refuse entry and would seek to do so on a “first reserved, first admitted basis.” 

3. Attendance at services will be limited to members and potential members.

4. All participants will have their temperature checked before entering the building.

5. Masks must be worn covering the nose and mouth at all times by all participants.

6. On entry to the building, all participants must wash their hands or use hand sanitizer.

7. Members of the Ritual and Security Committees will show you where you may sit in the Sanctuary in order to maintain social distance.

8. No food or drink will be served.

9. Please do not attend services if you are in any way not feeling well, even if you do not have a fever.

Additional Notes on Services

We realize that even with the precautions we have put in place, some may not yet be comfortable gathering.  We will therefore also broadcast our in-person services on Zoom.

Shabbat dinners continue to be suspended until further notice.

Other Activities

Small group activities such as Torah study, OOMF, and Bookhers will continue to be Zoom only events.

A Final Note

We wish we could simply throw the shul doors open.  Everyone is weary of heightened precautions and, with very few local cases and vaccinations taking place, a return to “normal” seems ever closer.  We must, however, continue to abide by those procedures that are legally required and ensure the health and safety of The UJC family.

The UJC spirit, however, will be evident despite the masks and social distancing.  The warmth and depth of The UJC has continued undiminished by being limited to virtual gatherings, so these limitations can certainly be transcended as well.  However we meet our kahal is strong.


UJC Reopening Working Group: Dr. Sarah Borwein, Robin Roschke, Alan Schiffman, Rachel Fleishman, Rabbi Stan Zamek, and Rabbi Martha Bergadine.