In-person Activities at The UJC

We are pleased to announce that we have resumed some in-person activities at The UJC.  Please refer to the schedule in this week’s issue of Shabbat Shalom for further information.

It will be wonderful to be back together.  We are, however, not back to normal.  Many precautions will need to be taken to enable us to meet safely and in compliance with public health regulations.  All the steps we take will be guided by our medical advisor, Dr. Sarah Borwein, and by the Jewish value of pikuach nefesh (the preservation of life and health).  We ask for your patience and cooperation in this new phase of our Covid-19 response.  Click here for full information on new health and safety precautions and requirements.

We realize that even with the precautions we have put in place, some may not yet be comfortable gathering.  We will therefore broadcast our in-person services on Zoom.

Message from Rabbi Z

I have my father to thank for my message this week.  When we were talking the other day, he mentioned that he had shared a favorite prayer at the weekly minyan he attends (via Zoom) at his shul in Detroit.  The prayer Dad chose was from the Union Prayer Book.  He read the prayer from his copy of the 1956 edition, but it originated in the 1940 revision of the UPB.  The text is worth reading in its entirety:

Click here to the full message from Rabbi Z

Hanukkah at The UJC

To place your order or if you have questions contact

In-person and Zoom Events This Week:

Friday, November 27th at 7pm
Shabbat Service
in The UJC Sanctuary

If you are joining the services by Zoom, use this link at the scheduled time:

Zoom Event at The UJC This Weekend:

Saturday, November 28th at 9:30am
Torah Study
To join the services, use this link at the scheduled time:


The United Jewish Congregation of Hong Kong is a welcoming, Progressive synagogue that is home to a diverse community of Jews from around the world. [more About Us]


Shabbat Service every Friday

Friday, 27th November
Shabbat services
7:00 PM – UJC Sanctuary (in person)

The service will also be available on Zoom
To join this service, click this link at the scheduled time.

No UJC Shabbat Dinner this week

Torah Study
Saturday, 28th November
9:30am – via Zoom

To join Torah Study, click this link at the scheduled time.


Sundays – Children 2-13 years

Shorashim follows EDB regulations so this Sunday, 29th November, Shorashim classes will take place as follows:

Gan and Kitah Alef will have class on Zoom
I will forward the Zoom link for kinnus and those classes directly to parents.

Kitah Bet, Kitah Gimmel, and the B’ani Mitzvah Class will meet in-person.  For these classes the Shorashim day will begin as usual at 9:30 AM with kinnus in The UJC Sanctuary  and conclude at 12:30 PM.

If you have any questions, please contact Rabbi Martha or The UJC office.


One Congregation One Book

Torah Study
Saturdays: 9:30 AM – via Zoom (To join Torah study, use this link at the scheduled time:

Join Us!